Linux is an open-source lightweight operating system that is based on the Unix operating system. It provides a powerful and flexible environment for multi-users and multi-task. Linux is highly secure, customizable and can be used on various devices such as servers, desktops, and embedded systems.It provides a simplified update for all installed software.
Advantage of linux
Open Source: Linux is an open-source operating system, which means its source code is freely available to the public. anyone can use this code.
Cost-effective: Its free to all, which makes it a cost-effective option for all individuals, organizations, and businesses.
Customization and Flexibility: It provides high levels of customization and flexibility.
Stability and Reliability: Linux is known for its stability and reliability, ability to handle high workloads and run continuously without crashing or requiring frequent reboots.
Security: Linux provides strong security. The open-source nature of Linux allows security vulnerabilities to be identified and patched quickly by the community, reducing the risk of widespread attacks.
Community and Support: The Linux community is extensive and active. If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can find support through online forums, documentation, and dedicated communities.
Linux basic commands
ls: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
cd: For Changes directory.
pwd: Prints the current working directory.
mkdir: Creates a new directory(Folder).
rm/rmdir : Removes/Delete files and directories.
rmdir -p: Remove both parent and chield directory.
rm -rf: Remove even non-empty file and directories.
cp: Copies files and directories.
mv: Moves or renames files and directories.
cat: The 'cat' command is the most universal and powerful tool. It is considered to be one of the most frequently used commands. It can be used to display the content of a file, copy content from one file to another, concatenate the contents of multiple files, display the line number, display $ at the end of the line, etc.
tac: This command is used to see the output from bottom to top.
echo: For Prints text to the terminal.
grep: Searches for a specific pattern in files.
man: Displays the manual pages for commands, providing detailed information and options.
touch: use to create, change and modify timestamps of a file, We can create multiple empty files using this command.
vi: it's a programmer text editor, it can be used to edit all kinds of plain text, it is specially useful for editing. Programmers are mainly used for Linux programs.
uname: It shows the name of kernel(OS).
uname -r: It shows the version of kernel.
clear: Used for clear screen.
whoami: It show list currently login user name.
date: It show date and time.
sort: To sort any file alphabetically.
tree: It is same as ls command but it shows in tree format.
useradd: For Create user account.
userdel: For elete user account.
head: Head command is used for to display top line of the file.
tail: Tail command is used for to display bottom line of the file.
history: It shows list of previously used commands.